Frequently Asked Question

Q: What is WCA ?

A: World Cruisers Adventure Travel and Tours Incorporated.

Q: When   did Travel start as a company?

A: WCA Travel was incorporated on October 21, 2016.

Q: Can we Book from outside the Philippines?

A: Yes, our website can be access outside abroad. Do not         use filter or incognito browsers to avoid errors.

Q: Can we Book flights with origin from abroad? Example         Dubai to Hongkong?

A: Yes, we can book worldwide origin and destination.

Q: Can we reserve seats / hotel accomodations

A: No, Bookings must be PAID to confirm airlines seats or hotel           accomodations.

Q: How do i become an affiliate?

A: You must purchase  an economy or business package by      sending the payment to WCA Travel BDO account. Send      your info or deposit slip to your sponsor and he/she           send      to the team leader who will send to the admin         for    encoding.

Q: What are the Information? 

A: Full Name 
    Active Email
    Preferred Username 
    Sponsor Username
    Sponsor Name 

Q: What is Jumpover?

A: A jumpover is an advantage to members who already          got    2 direct refferals on the board before it splits. It          follows the order of Top to Bottom, Left to Right.

Q: What are terminologies we should remember?

A: Board instead of Table.
    Cycle out instead of Exit.
     Premier Board instead of Traveller Board.
     Executive Board Instead of Express Board.
     Members are called Affiliates.
     Remember the rank shown on the table.



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